未来之食全食美 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 记录片 2001

导演: George Alagiah


  Future of Food In the past year, we have seen food riots on three continents, food inflation has rocketed and experts predict that by 2050, if things don't change, we will see mass starvation across the world. This film sees George Alagiah travel the world in search of solutions to the growing global food crisis. From the two women working to make their Yorkshire market town self-sufficient to the academic who claims it could be better for the environment to ship in lamb from New Zealand, George Alagiah meets the people who believe they know how we should feed the world as demand doubles by the middle of the century.
  George joins a Masai chief among the skeletons of hundreds of cattle he has lost to climate change and the English farmer who tells him why food production in the UK is also hit. He spends a day eating with a family in Cuba to find out how a future oil shock could lead to dramatic adjustments to diets. He visits the breadbasket of India to meet the farmer who now struggles to irrigate his land as water tables drop, and finds out why obesity is spiralling out of control in Mexico.
  Back in Britain, George investigates what is wrong with people's diets, and discovers that the UK imports an average of 3000 litres of water per capita every day. He talks to top nutritionist Susan Jebb, DEFRA minister Hilary Benn and Nobel laureate Rajendra Pachauri to uncover what the future holds for our food.
  George heads out to India to discover how a changing diet in the developing world is putting pressure on the world's limited food resources. He finds out how using crops to produce fuel is impacting on food supplies across the continents. George then meets a farmer in Kent, who is struggling to sell his fruit at a profit, and a British farmer in Kenya who is shipping out tonnes of vegetables for our supermarket shelves. He also examines why so many people are still dying of hunger after decades of food aid.
  Back in the UK, George challenges the decision-makers with the facts he has uncovered - from Oxfam head of research Duncan Green to Sainsbury's boss Justin King. He finds out why British beef may offer a model for future meat production and how our appetite for fish is stripping the world's seas bare.
  In the final episode George Alagiah heads out to Havana to find out how they are growing half of their fruit and vegetables right in the heart of the city, investigates the 'land-grabs' trend - where rich countries lease or buy up the land used by poor farmers in Africa - and meets the Indian agriculturalists who have almost trebled their yields over the course of a decade.
  George finds out how we in this country are using cutting-edge science to extend the seasons recycle our food waste and even grow lettuce in fish tanks to guarantee the food on our plates.
  He hears the arguments about genetically modified food and examines even more futuristic schemes to get the food on to our plates.


  • 昂晓灵 7小时前 :

    为了让小蜘蛛长大的转折太惨烈太生硬了 好好的高中生当什么圣母呢 靠圣母憨批推进剧情 靠量子力学给各位圣母擦屁股 心疼奇异博士了 为了运用多个ip 想不出创意的漫威真是拼了 把托比马奎尔和加菲都找来了 看到威廉达福出现我狂鼓掌 加两星给另两个蜘蛛侠宇宙/笑点够但剧情捉急 反派也变成了薛定谔的反派 遇事不决 量子力学 就算给奇异博士3铺路我觉得也不至于 画面是好看的 但爽点全在本尼那里 希望是最后一部了 因为人设真的崩 太不讨喜了/托比和加菲蜜汁冻龄 爱他们

  • 冠初然 6小时前 :


  • 仕骞 9小时前 :


  • 伟平莹 1小时前 :


  • 怡锦 3小时前 :


  • 仇映冬 5小时前 :

    蜘蛛侠主题乐园。加菲虫和托比虫那个体位,请再来一打!2022.02.14 Galaxy Cinemas

  • 可颖 3小时前 :


  • 忻惜萍 3小时前 :

    很难想象做了三十年这种东西 也很难想象我坚持了一个半小时。回想起史云梅耶真是优美

  • 季修为 6小时前 :


  • 巴暄嫣 9小时前 :


  • 俊倩 1小时前 :

    如果不是因为粉丝电影的话,三星打顶了。在三代同框之前,可以用mess up来概括,荷兰蛛过于轻浮的圣母表现让前半段就像是个闹剧。而对于奇异博士随便就施展了咒语造成的多元宇宙坍塌问题,虽然以曾经使用过和对咒语的误解一笔带过,依然无法接受这是他会干出的事情。但三代同框实在过于精彩,以及在完成了对每个反派的救赎之后,回头去看每部电影,好像都能够弥补当时的意难平。如果用只有荷兰蛛受伤的世界作为结尾,好像也许不错。最后来到熟悉的出租屋、使用着熟悉的收音机,俯瞰纽约高楼,才知道原来英雄无归,到这一刻才刚刚开始。

  • 凌洁 6小时前 :


  • 冯雨彤 1小时前 :


  • 夕忆曼 0小时前 :


  • 慧梦 7小时前 :


  • 万云淡 3小时前 :

    当时看预告章鱼博士出来就呜呜呜 可惜没有二代绿魔

  • 庞新柔 7小时前 :


  • 寒和煦 0小时前 :


  • 勇运 4小时前 :


  • 公孙骏琛 7小时前 :



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