
  New York private detective Duncan "Mac" MacLain is blind but has keenly developed all his other senses. He pursues his work assisted by his faithful guide dog Friday, his butler, Alistair, and his assistant, Marty. Retired actress Norma Lawry, an old friend, comes to Mac seeking advice. Her headstrong 17-year-old step-daughter Barbara, herself a promising actress, is enamored with her leading man in a small theater production, the much older Lothario Paul Gerente. Paul, who had once been Norma's lover, has convinced Barbara that Norma actually wants Paul for herself and has only married her father Stephen for his money. At Mac's urging, Norma tried to reason with Paul, but he insists that he loves Barbara and laughs her off. Barbara is equally disdainful of her and agrees to meet Paul for dinner that night at his apartment.
  Norma's husband Stephen Lawry is a scientist leaving that night on a trip to test a secret invention on which he has been working for the government and the war effort. Worried about Barbara, she uses a pretext not to accompany Stephen and goes to the apartment. When Barbara arrives, she finds Paul's dead body and thinks that Norma has killed him, even though Norma insists that he was dead when she arrived. Barbara threatens to call the police unless she leaves Stephen. Fearing that a scandal will hurt him, Norma agrees. Norma then turns to Mac, who goes to Paul's apartment with Friday and Marty, only to find the body and the rug under it missing. A man arrives to replace the rug and Mac hides in a closet, overhearing a telephone call to Norma's number from "Gabriel" to "Vera." Mac accidentally gives himself away, but with Friday's help overpowers Gabriel, who refuses to talk. Mac has Marty hide him to keep him under wraps.
  Norma returns to her country home unexpectedly, which discourages an espionage ring that includes her butler, Hansen, from breaking into Stephen's safe and stealing his plans. They have killed Gerente, who was also an agent, and hidden the body. Mac arrives with Friday at Norma's house and pretends to be her curmudgeonly "Uncle Mac" who has come for a visit. His blindness lulls any suspicions Hansen might have about him. Shortly thereafter, Barbara comes home from an "emergency rehearsal", called to get her out of the house by her director, Cheli Scott, who inveigles an invitation to spend the night at the Lawry home. Unknown to Barbara and Norma, Cheli is the ringleader of the spies. Cheli ordered Paul killed because his affection for Barbara was beginning to limit his effectiveness, and she immediately suspects Mac is not what he seems.
  Gabriel's wife Vera, the Lawrys' maid, is also a part of the plot. When Gabriel does not return home, Vera becomes hysterical with worry. Mac secretly asks Vera to meet him in the greenhouse, using her worry about Gabriel as a lure. She is observed by the others, however, and is killed by Hansen before she can reach Mac. The spies cut the house's telephone wires so that Mac and Norma cannot call the police, and Cheli has Mac locked up under guard. Using his blindness as a distraction, Mac overpowers his guard and releases Friday out a window with instructions to "go home and get Marty." Stephen arrives home and Cheli threatens his family if he does not give her the final step in creating his invention, which was not in the safe. Barbara finally realizes how much Norma actually cares for her. Mac tries to stall for time, but is locked in the cellar. When Hansen goes to kill him, Mac has broken the light bulb and his advantage of total darkness helps him overcome the spy. Marty and Friday return with the police. When Friday is spotted by a lookout, Mac overpowers him and is saved from being shot by another lookout by Friday. After the spies are captured, Stephen and Norma are off to Washington, D.C., with Barbara remaining behind to care for her new "Uncle Mac."


  • 员幻珊 1小时前 :

    A-. 本来以为世界很小,后来发现世界好大,最后意识到世界的大小根本无关紧要,我们需要的只有彼此。像给《Life on Mars?》配了一部电影,看似脱线的喜剧和离谱的情节,都是透过“the girl with the mousy hair”的眼睛,尝试理解光怪陆离的成人世界,而我们也正是在无数次困惑中的某一次一下子长大了。PTA仍旧用他的镜头精确匹配着人物的能量,维系全片的势能在或别扭或疲倦的静止中积蓄,最终在结尾的奔跑戏变成动能的喷发。不像前作如手术刀解剖神经,却仍有足够的细腻与敏锐。赏心悦目之余,还能在寒冷冬日留有不散的暖意,这就够了。 2022.1.13 with E

  • 宣博丽 1小时前 :


  • 周飞阳 7小时前 :

    很旧也很新 有些独特的观感 以至于看完后会久久萦绕脑海 散漫的叙事 胶片的质感 70年代的青春 其实每个时代都是世界末日 后来再听life on mars感觉是不一样了

  • 昔以晴 3小时前 :


  • 书锐阵 8小时前 :

    采访中说比起年代更多是因为人物而拍,但确实更多被70s vibe打动了,实名人物、具体事件,PTA的once upon a time in LA。从以唱片连锁店名做片名到配乐选曲以及HAIM(而且 Alana 怎么这么会演??)、Tom Waits 出演就奠定了基调,还有出色的摄影和调色,夏天的味道。私恋失调的光晕再次袭来,霍夫曼的儿子也和霍夫曼一样干了电信销售(电爱)的活儿… 就 feel the vibe 吧 (RioLiv的翻译版本很棒)

  • 令狐鸿志 1小时前 :

    看的70mm胶片放映. 结尾两人双向奔赴, 还要闪回一下, 没有必要吧....走出影院时, 我也只能是一阵沉默. 说不出什么.

  • 何飞鸣 4小时前 :


  • 卫舒 0小时前 :

    画面质感依然满点 有几场戏也能看出PTA老练的调度能力 只是看惯了PTA拍深邃宏大题材的片子 这个混合着伤感 怀旧 小清新 等等年少情绪的故事有些让人困惑

  • 巴运珹 6小时前 :

    應該是 Magnolia 以來第一次感到PTA 並不多關心他創造的人物,過去他得以成功的「おかしな二人組」(借用大江健三郎的說法),今次都因著迷他曾經身處的年代氣氛與古怪傳聞而變得次要。而且,電影那裡浪漫,明明兩人到最後才算愛情來了,中間過程也難說兩人為何可持續友誼,PTA 往往以大段沉長的細節來組織可信,在場與場之間流出的空白感(The Crying of Lot 49 的做法?)卻令故事有疏離感,倒車一段調度精彩得期待有一天看到 PTA 去拍 Fast & Furious 。又再一次突兀地訴說愛情,年輕人奔跑當然好看,也只因為PTA 能換發二人氣色,但之前的鋪排卻沒有理由,電影提出一個很好的問題,我們要來重現過去時代,是否要回避那愚昧無知,沒有避難地展示來讓觀眾批判,PTA 也不是沒有對過去失去批判性,Alana 與 Vicky Krieps 一樣是看著看著有魅力的女性。

  • 宝正信 9小时前 :


  • 候文静 3小时前 :

    喜欢电影里面的各种跑,不管是漫无目的的,还是跑向某人,有没有原因,都不重要。Alana 和 Gary 就像探索生活一般对待他们的情愫,可以破坏也可以重塑,但始终是断不了。

  • 别醉易 5小时前 :

    Licorice Pizza 不仅巧妙地传达了青春期的痴迷及其强烈和尴尬——青少年如何通过追求可能不会持久的爱情联系来开始理解成年。而且观察了 1970 年代的性别歧视、种族主义和恐同症,这种不容忍是实事求是、令人沮丧的日常事件。而女主海姆的表演也敏锐地进入了一个年轻女性尚未完全解放的时代。主人公Alana 和 Gary 的一些不幸经历可能比其他经历更令人难忘,这或许是不可避免的。与 Altman 1970 年代的电影不同,Licorice Pizza 似乎总是能够跳入几个可能的切入点,因此很难始终准确地知道故事的走向。但让 Licorice Pizza 凝聚在一起的是作家兼导演对这两个年轻人的喜爱,因为他们面前打开了大而可怕的成人世界。这可能是导演最阳光的一部电影。

  • 六清馨 0小时前 :


  • 卜初彤 0小时前 :

    當PTA學會了日劇跑⋯⋯喜歡復古的調子和緩慢的敘事,喜歡他們的生命力,他們有感情,他们有感觉,他們在活著,有时觉得女主是占更加主导性的主角,man all sucks, only small man just not so bad……小霍夫曼真神TM他爹附体

  • 惠帛 2小时前 :


  • 京悦媛 6小时前 :


  • 元如风 9小时前 :

    轻快单纯却也没了PTA作者性的神秘感,尤其还置于上世纪六七十年代的迷幻加州。关于爱恨冤家的命题作文,PTA看来并不擅长,只好顺从地来个happy ending。这两明星/星二代主演,从外形到气质,有说服力吗?有两场戏还挺有吸引力。一是洛杉矶山地货车倒车教学,还结合上中东石油危机的政治背景来表达,实在妙趣横生;二是市长竞选人为遮掩自己基佬身份的反侦察晚餐。

  • 嘉家 9小时前 :

    这是一次「伟大复兴」,包括了罗伯特·奥尔特曼式的1990年代美国艺术电影,《不羁夜》时期的散乱叙事和有点过头的画面色调,《私恋失调》式的愚蠢甜烂畸零爱情故事。最牛逼的是Cooper Hoffman 对爹Philip Seymour Hoffman 的复活,他妈的笑起来太像了我直接看哭了。一部散漫小品确实不是巅峰PTA,但作为脑残粉能怎样呢?《记忆》之后第二部年度top3 预订,看他妈一百遍啊一百遍!!(乔治克鲁尼快带着soggy bottom boys 出来给水床唱个广告歌啊!!!

  • 成盛 3小时前 :

    太喜欢女主,我心目中妄想成为的cool girl,如果真有人不识趣问她为什么还单身,那我只能回答你“因为她实在是太完美你只能望其项背。”

  • 平新苗 2小时前 :

    能把这个片子和racism扯到一起的也真是厉害死了,对放大真实的70mm,还原LA的荒唐叙事不满的,就是会在莎翁剧作里加黑人主角的,I guess?


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