西蒙诺夫 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 记录片 2001

导演: Simon Reeve


In this two-part series, Simon Reeve travels to Greece, one of the most beautiful, troubled, and extreme countries in Europe. Travelling from the Islands of the Aegean to the rugged and mountainous north, Simon gets behind the picture-postcard image to learn more about Greece and the Greeks - and why the country has faced a seemingly endless economic crisis. Along the way he encounters an extraordinary cast of characters, from rebel monks and gun-toting priests, to desperate migrants and an injured bear cub. The first leg of Simon Reeve’s journey around Greece takes him from the holiday islands of the Aegean to the capital city of Athens. Off the tiny island of Pserimos Simon goes underwater with the divers who still hunt for the sea creature which made these islands rich: the natural sponge. He hears how the island’s population is struggling in the face of declining stocks and the wider economic crisis. Travelling onto Lesvos, just a few miles from the Turkish coast, Simon encounters another of the huge challenges facing the country: the migrant crisis. The island has become Europe’s frontline, with thousands of refugees arriving daily, fundamentally changing the lives of the islanders. On Greece’s largest island, Crete, Simon heads to the rugged mountains where every shepherd is armed and the local priest is also head of the local gun club. Camping out under the stars Simon learns how for Cretans, memories of Germany’s role in the Second World War still colour their view of the Greek debt crisis. In Athens, Simon investigates the effects of that crisis. He hears how hard life is for an impoverished community living in converted shipping containers, and in the city he is confronted by angry protesters - and sees just how quickly these protests can descend into a riot.


  • 之智宇 7小时前 :


  • 安雅柏 1小时前 :


  • 市夜卉 5小时前 :


  • 云高驰 9小时前 :


  • 卫五泓 5小时前 :


  • 卫志红 6小时前 :

    有Dwayne Johnson领衔,很难不觉得这是从《勇敢者游戏》片场右转就即刻完成的作品;同样意图找到《加勒比海盗》开始的荣光,外加几分《夺宝奇兵》的杂糅 - -所以放眼望去全是种种成功元素的陈旧拼搭。当然三位角色各自在与时代背景格格不入的“突破性”设计以及谈及的表述修正,自然也只是跟随时代完成以求心安的更新。出彩的地方都在Emily Blunt,带来了一些有趣的时刻。【Jack Whitehall的角色意义与出场远超电影本身,生意也好,填补份额也好,都是关键一步;堪锁大军不要嘴炮我们白墙,谢谢❥(^_-)。】

  • 文驰 0小时前 :

    庞大的特效 替身 摄影团队 啧啧啧 不愧是迪士尼的老掉牙故事再翻拍 模式自然是遭遇小危机 惊险小幽默 温情小解决 雨林奇幻境 大猫群飞鸟 结尾合家欢

  • 史语海 2小时前 :


  • 仆夏容 5小时前 :


  • 员梓露 0小时前 :


  • 宇运 1小时前 :

    吉伦哈尔用力过猛 ,剧情上能再打磨打磨就好了

  • 公孙香梅 6小时前 :

    【11.57G】毫无新意吧 反派造型挺带感

  • 姓楠楠 7小时前 :


  • 强嘉 6小时前 :

    本来以为是和地心探险类似的迪士尼奇幻探险片,没想到看了一部《鬼吹灯 之 月泪神树》——强森化身胡八一,为摆脱诅咒,和得到“摸金符”(神簇)的雪莉杨(艾米莉)一同踏上水底深宫的探险之路~ 一路上藤精树怪,毒虫巨蟒,百年僵尸,一边打怪还要对付开来潜艇的战争狂人~剧情虽然偏低龄向,但是特效画面真的是很值得《鬼吹灯》借鉴~艾米莉水底画面真好看,打戏也不错,她会不会成为乌玛的后继者呢?

  • 兆聪慧 9小时前 :

    29/7/2021 @ K11 Art House [IMAX]。就是迪士尼版的Indiana Jones啦

  • 斛秋珊 8小时前 :


  • 丙刚豪 7小时前 :


  • 尹嘉石 6小时前 :


  • 云慧妍 0小时前 :

    太好看了!!!!!!!视觉效果太棒了!!!想立马去迪士尼!!!可惜上海没这个ride...本剧的迪士尼公举应该是Jack Whitehall了(。to elsewhere!

  • 凤寻雪 0小时前 :



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